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NORMANDY MOTOR MEETINGS, February 5th-6th 2014, Rouen, France

NORMANDY MOTOR MEETINGS, the sixth edition of B to B event, dedicated to engines and propulsion systems in the automobile and aeronautics domains, will take place in France, at Rouen, on February 5-6 2014.

NORMANDY MOTOR MEETINGS will bring together a broad panel of skills through the contribution of over 1.100 key players in industrial and R & D meetings.

Organized by Proximum Group and MOV'EO France (the main French competitiveness pole in the car and transportation domains), in partnership with Renault, PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN and Normandie AeroEspace and benefiting from grants from the French government and Haute Normandie, NORMANDY MOTOR MEETINGS enables participants to:

have a contact with contractors who are seeking new suppliers able to respond to specific issues;

have a maximum number of business meetings conducted in record time;

obtain a formula for economic participation and custom development internationally.


Brochure of the event can be consulate here ...

List of participants in the previous edition is available here...

To participate please contact us: contact person, Mr. Cristin Cistelecan,

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