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October 24th 2014 - deadline for registration within the Regional Eco-Innovative Competition in West Region

The Regional Eco-Innovation Competition is open to all organizations and individuals in the West Region that make eco-innovative products and / or provide eco-innovative services. Its purpose is to support innovative start-ups for the integration of such products and / or services within existing businesses.

The prizes offered in within the Regional Eco-Innovation Competition will consist of training sessions, consulting and grant schemes for developing innovative start-ups, in amount of 10.000 euro. The prizes will be offered within the "Eco-Innovative Businesses in West Region" project, funded through the Green Industry Innovation Programme Romania, Norwegian Fiancial Mechanism 2009-2014, Programme Operator - Innovation Norway.

The Regional Eco-Innovation Competition is organized for the second time in the West Region, first edition took place in 2013.  The competition is organized within the Regional Innovation Fair which will take place in Arad, on November 12, 2014.

The registration form for entering the Regional Eco-Innovative Competition can be downloaded here.

Please email the completed registration form to until October 24th 2014.


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