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The Competitiveness Institute European Regional Conference on Inspiring Clusters, Tallinn, on 30-31.03.2011


The Baltic Innovation Agency invites you to attend The Competitiveness Institute European Regional Conference on Inspiring Clusters in the Beginning of the New Decade in Tallinn, Estonia, in the period 30-31 March 2011.
The Conference will focus on how to improve the Cluster policies both on European, national and regional level and how to achieve excellence in cluster management. The conference will also provide a deeper insight into cluster development in Eastern and Central Europe being the first TCI conference in this region. The Programme includes 60 speakers from more than 20 countries and is structured into many inspiring plenary and parallel sessions.
In addition to the main programme of the conference, several sessions will be organised based on Open Space Method, where the participant can define the topics of their core interest and lead the discussion. If you are interested in a specific topic then we invite you to raise a topic and submit it for other participants to consider at
You can register until 21. March 2011. More details you can read here:
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