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3 additional organizations join Tehimpulses mission of stimulating the economic development of West Region

Azur, Obrist Eastern Europe and Reşiţa Business Center are the newest memebers of Tehimpuls, supporting the association’s mission of stimulating the economic development of West Region. ...

FP7 Transport Information Days 2010

The next round of calls proposals under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) will be published end of July 2010. ...

Continental Automotive Products announces investment of 50 million Euro in Timisoara

Continental Automotive Products Company announces the expansion of the factory in Timisoara and one million euros investment in environmental protection....

The WeSteer project promoted trough the Trans Regions NCP Newsletter

The „WeSteer - Support Actions for creating a cluster based on research” project s promoted trough the “Trans Regions NCP” Newsletter....

International Conference on Energy and Automotive Technologies

On 5 November, 2010 will take place the “International Conference on Energy and Automotive Technologies”, at Four Seasons Hotel Istanbul, Turkey. ...

Clusters and cluster facilitation

The seminar was organized by the West Regional Development Agency as international partner in the project PROSESC -Producer Services for European Sustainability and Competitiveness, financed trough Interreg IV C Programme. ...
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